This is it I am packing up the wife and kids and getting out of dodge. I finally found a house that is good enough for my family. It is not to flashy, I would not want to cause any envy among the commoners. Luckily it is a steal with the shambles that the housing market is in. By the same token the shack we currently live in is worth just about $3.50. Don't worry this is in Lake Milton if you are not sure where Lake Milton is, about 10 minutes from Leisure Lake, does that help.
Check The Link for more pictures!
Well, from a guy who bought a house in God forsaken ELO, because the city told me I had to... and then got laid off and stuck with this damn house in a shitty housing market, what can I say? BOO FUCK**G HOO.... I feel so bad for you..... You like apples? How you like THEM apples?
I know you are feeling bad because you can't live out your dream of slowly turning into a drain on East Liverpool Finances. Coupled with the fact that every old guy on the drop program has thumbed thier nose at you, but you can at least get your asterisks in the right place.
You did make a good point although I will never have a house quite like Wally's here but at least I am not living in the city limits of ELO.
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