Thursday, February 5, 2009

Even my car hates the cold

Chilly, cool, nippy, not even cold describes it. I think D@#* cold is more like it. My car is even revolting against the weather, either that or the fact that it just became a teenager and doesn't want to listen to me anymore. With the onset of cold weather I found out there is a bug in my electrical system, everytime the temperature gets around 10 degrees or lower my battery goes dead. I have replaced the alternator, the battery (twice on the possibility the first one was bad), and tonight I went around pulling fuses out till I found out which one had a short.

I know what you are thinking, you are driving a 13 year old car, you are doing all that work on that old car, why don't you get a new car. Well let me tell you something that the wife has found out a long time ago, I am cheap! I want A and Z to both learn to drive in that old Jeep. Heck I would still be driving my 1984 VW Rabbit, if it wasn't for the fact that no woman would go near that vehicle. That was a fine vehicle it got about 40 something miles to the gallon. The Rabbit was a 4 speed, gears were labelled, 1,2,3, and E, I always fgured E was for economy, my Friend Mike always asked " we in E yet."

So tonight I found a fuse for a short somewhere in the rear defroster and another fuse, in a slot that is supposed to be open. This means that at some point someone has put a accessory in that I cant find and put a fuse in the box to work it. Well I pulled both fuses out so now if I need the rear window defroster I will just have to plug the fuse back in. Could I get it worked on yes , but I am cheap.


Anonymous said...



Melanie Welanie said...

