Thursday, October 23, 2008

"You Like Apples?"

Me and a friend/coworker were talking about movie lines that you would like to use yourself one day. He brought up Good Will Hunting, when after a confrontation with another guy in a bar Matt Damon ends up with the girls number. Later on in the night seing the guy that he was just into it with in the bar he says "Hey you like apples?, I got her number. How about those apples!"

Wouldn't that be great to be able to use that someday. My problem is that when that comes along, I will forget about it, and then kick myself for forgetting it later. That is where I am on this blog, all the great things that I had tried to remember whenever I decided to do this, I forgot. Just hold on while I jog my memory.


Melanie Welanie said...

I knew you would catch the blog bug sooner or later. Glad to have you aboard!! Entertain us!

ddg's grandma said...

Talk about forgetting, my husband dropped me off at Penney's on Sunday and went to Tractor Supply to get some stuff. I received a call in the middle of my looking and he asked me "what did I come here for?", as neither one of us remembered he came back and helped me shop. Senior moments. You're too young for that!

djdtone said...

I Just watched Good Will Humping, I mean Hunting a week ago. I have always held that movie dear to my heart because of that line there. It is just such a smartass thing to say. The part of that movie I never got was portraying Robin Williams as a tough guy. When he grabbed up on Will (Matt Damon) by the throat, I thought it was just unbelievable. He is always the funny guy like Mork. Never tough. So shuzbut that!!!