I have really neglected my duties to the blog. It has been a rediculous amount of time since I last posted for this I am sorry. before you get all mad and start throwing things at my pathetic plea for forgiveness, remember Easter just passed so there are pictures a coming.
Today Grandma S. came into town to see the girls. A was so excited she was talking about this for a few days. A becomes Grandma's shadow, and Grandma loves to read all the books and it is different voice reading all her books and she loves that. This afternoon A had just taken off her diaper and pulled her pants down so she could sit on the potty, when TaaDaa Grandma came in. A takes off waddling through the house pants around her ankles "Grandma, Grandma, Grandma". Upon make a quick escorted return to the potty she had lost all interest she had to go see Grandma. The potty training is going well, but like everyone says it is a long process.
Z on the other hand is also becoming a big girl in her own way. Her last visit at the doctors office we were told she is 4 inches and 4 pounds above average. She is currently wearing 12 month clothing and size 3 diapers, although the next pack will probably be 4's. Z is pretty amazing she is just shy of A's weight, Keep in mind Z was born in December. She likes to sit in her walker and is very independent. When this kid starts moving around herself look out she will be coming through.